#Ziyu-blog This page only list some article basic idea.
當你想要架構一個網站的時候,我們也必須先知道一些關於網站是如何呈現給人的知識 再者,我們瞭解了這些基本之後,我們又應該從哪些框架(framework)開始練習比較好。 最後我們又應該如何讓我們所做的這些專案給別人看到呢。
When I make a introduction to RNN, I use the MNIST data set. I modify the keras example to Jupyter ver.
Also, in order to comepare the code style between two Keras model. I also make both of them in the same NN.
The Model version.
The Sequential version.
After some introduction of NN, we want to use more real data to practice. We use the datasets form the UCI datasets.
We use the Diabetes datasets as example. The .data is a csv file, and the column from one to eight is some features of patients and last column is whether the patient have diabetes.
The result is below. Diabetes practice
Sometimes when we need to see the go-term relation, we will present as a set.
We also want to see visualization part.I simplfy to just a simple code
from here .
This code can get the figure like
Just need
python main.py --id=GOTERMID PATH
where the PATH need to use your obo file.
python main.py --id=GO:0000002 ../go-basic.obo
See code here